This document describes support for capturing 3D depth photo, enhancing photo processing by leveraging the 3D depth information and I/O with [[!XDM]] format.

This document was published by the Crosswalk Project as an API Draft. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to All comments are welcome.


The APIs described in this document are exposed through realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography module.



The DepthMask interface provides methods for depth-enabled depth mask generator algorithm.

If failed to create, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<void> init(Photo photo)

The init() method initializes the Depth Mask function with the photo that needs processing.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Image> computeFromCoordinate(Point coordinate, optional MaskParams maskParams)

The computeFromCoordinate() method creates a mask directly from a depth coordinate. The mask image is in DEPTH_F32 pixel format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the mask image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Point coordinate
Input (x, y) coordinates on the depth map.
optional MaskParams maskParams
The optional additional configuration parameters.
Promise<Image> computeFromThreshold(float depthThreshold, optional MaskParams maskParams)

The computeFromThreshold() method creates a mask from depthThreshold. The mask image is in DEPTH_F32 pixel format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the mask image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

float depthThreshold
The depth threshold value.
optional MaskParams maskParams
The optional additional configuration parameters.


The DepthRefocus interface provides methods for depth-enabled refocus algorithm.

If failed to create, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<void> init(Photo photo)

The init() method initializes the Depth Refocus function with the photo that needs processing.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Photo> apply(Point focusPoint, optional float aperture)

The apply() method refocuses the image at input focusPoint by using depth data to refocus.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the refocused photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Point focusPoint
The selected point for refocusing.
optional float aperture
The size of the blurring area. If omitted, the default is 50.0F. The value is in the range of 7.7 to 160, roughly equivalent to f/22 and f/1.1, respectively.


The image buffer.

readonly attribute PixelFormat format

The image pixel format.

readonly attribute unsigned long width

The image width in pixels.

readonly attribute unsigned long height

The image height in pixels.

readonly attribute ArrayBuffer data

The image buffer.


The Measurement interface provides methods for depth-enabled measurement algorithm.

If failed to create, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<MeasureData> measureDistance(Photo photo, Point start, Point end)

The measureDistance() method measures the distance between the starting and ending points in mm.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the measure data if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.
Point start
The starting point of the measurement.
Point end
The ending point of the measurement.
Promise<MeasureData> measureUADistance(Photo photo, Point start, Point end)

This is an experimental API.
The measureUADistance() method measures the distance between the starting and ending points in mm by using an experimental algorithm for a User Assisted(UA) measure.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the measure data if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.
Point start
The starting point of the measurement.
Point end
The ending point of the measurement.
Promise<int> queryUADataSize()

This is an experimental API.
The queryUADataSize() method returns the size of the MeasureData possibilities.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the size of the MeasureData if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<sequence<MeasureData>> queryUAData()

This is an experimental API.
The queryUAData() method returns an array of the MeasureData possibilites. The size of the array is equal to the value returned by the queryUADataSize().

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with an array of the MeasureData if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.


The MotionEffect interface provides methods for 6DoF parallax feature.

If failed to create, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<void> init(Photo photo)

The init() method initializes the 6DoF parallax function with the photo that needs processing.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo to be processed [color + depth].
Promise<Image> apply(Motion motion, Rotation rotation, double zoom)

The apply() method applies the 6DoF parallax effect, which is the difference in the apparent position of an object when it is viewed from two different positions or viewpoints.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the processed image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Motion motion
The motion vector that describes the horizontal (positive values indicate moving to the right), vertical (positive values indicate moving up), distance (positive values indicate moving forward) movement.
Rotation rotation
The rotation vector that describes the pitch, yaw and roll rotation.
double zoom
The zooming factor, with positive values indicating zooming in.


The Paster interface provides methods to perform sticker image pasting to a photo instance.

If failed to create, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<Image> getPlanesMap()

The getPlanesMap() method detects the detected planes in the photo, in the form of an image mask. The mask pixels are index of the planes (starting with 1.) A pixel value of zero indicates areas without any detected plane surface.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the image instance with detected planes if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<void> setPhoto(Photo photo)

The setPhoto() method sets the photo that needs to be processed.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo to be processed [color + depth].
Promise<void> setSticker(Image sticker, Point coordinates, StickerData params, optional PasteEffects effects)

The setSticker() specifies the sticker image, to be pasted to the photo instance, and the pasting parameters. Use the paste() function to perform the pasting operation.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Image sticker
The sticker image instance.
Point coordinates
The anchor coordinates that specify where the sticker should be placed.
StickerData params
Additional details about the sticker image. See the StickerData for definitions.
optional PasteEffects effects
The pasting effect flags. See the PasteEffects for definitions.
Promise<Photo> paste()

The setSticker() method pastes the sticker image(s) to the saved photo instance (by the SetPhoto function), and creates the resulting photo. The saved photo is not modified. Any subsequent pasting operations do not add up.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the resulting photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Image> previewSticker()

The setSticker() method creates an image mask to preview how the sticker is to be pasted to the photo instance. The image mask uses pixel value 255 for the foreground pixels and 0 for background pixels.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the image mask if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.


The Photo interface manages a depth photo image conforming to [[!XDM]] format.

Promise<boolean> checkSignature()

The checkSignature() method checks the container image Alder32 signature.

This method returns a promise. If the container image is not modified, the promise will be fulfilled with true. Otherwise, the promise will be fulfilled with false. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Photo> clone()

The clone() method creates a new Photo instance and copies the content of this photo to the new photo.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with new photo if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<PerspectiveCameraModel> queryCameraPerspectiveModel(unsigned long cameraIndex)

The queryCameraPerspectiveModel() method gets the specified camera perspective model parameters.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the specified camera perspective model parameters if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

unsigned long cameraIndex
The zero-based camera device index.
Promise<CameraPose> queryCameraPose(unsigned long cameraIndex)

The queryCameraPose() method gets the specified camera pose information.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the specified camera pose information if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

unsigned long cameraIndex
The zero-based camera device index.
Promise<VendorInfo> queryCameraVendorInfo(unsigned long cameraIndex)

The queryCameraVendorInfo() method gets the specified camera vendor information.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the specified camera vendor information if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

unsigned long cameraIndex
The zero-based camera device index.
Promise<Image> queryImage(optional unsigned long cameraIndex)

The queryImage() method gets the color image from the specified camera device (camera[cameraIndex]). The unedited image is usually the unprocessed color image. If cameraIndex is not specified, the method gets the unedited color image in camera[0].

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the color image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

optional unsigned long cameraIndex
The optional zero-based camera device index.
Promise<Image> queryContainerImage()

The queryContainerImage() method gets the container photo image.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the container photo image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Image> queryDepth(optional unsigned long cameraIndex)

The queryDepth() method gets the depth map of the photo from the specified camera (camera[cameraIndex]). The depth map is the holefilled depth. If cameraIndex is not specified, the method gets the depth image in camera[0].

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the depth image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

optional unsigned long cameraIndex
The optional zero-based camera device index.
Promise<VendorInfo> queryDeviceVendorInfo()

The queryDeviceVendorInfo() method gets the specified device vendor information.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the specified device vendor information if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<unsigned long> queryNumberOfCameras()

The queryNumberOfCameras() method gets the number of cameras.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the number of cameras if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Image> queryRawDepth()

The queryRawDepth() method gets the raw depth image of the photo. This would be the unprocessed depth captured from the camera or loaded from a file if it existed.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the not-processed original depth image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<void> resetContainerImage()

The resetContainerImage() method copies the camera[0] unedited color image to be the container image of the photo instance.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<DOMString> queryXDMRevision()

The queryXDMRevision() method extracts the XDM file revision string.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the XDM file revision string if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<void> setColorImage(Image image, optional unsigned long cameraIndex)

The setColorImage() method sets image to the color image stored in the specified camera device. If cameraIndex is not specified, the method sets the unedited color image in camera zero.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Image image
The color image.
optional unsigned long cameraIndex
The optional zero-based camera device index.
Promise<void> setContainerImage(Image image)

The setContainerImage() method sets image to the container photo image.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<void> setDepthImage(Image image, optional unsigned long cameraIndex)

The setDepthImage() method sets image to the depth image stored in the specified camera device. If cameraIndex is not specified, the method sets the depth image in camera zero.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Image image
The depth image.
optional unsigned long cameraIndex
The optional zero-based camera device index.
Promise<void> setRawDepthImage(Image image)

The setRawDepthImage() method sets image to the not-processed original depth image

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.


The PhotoCapture interface captures a depth photo from 3D camera.

The MediaStream (described in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]]) passed to the constructor must have at least one video track otherwise an exception will be thrown.

If the MediaStream (described in [[!GETUSERMEDIA]]) passed to the constructor is valid, but still failed to create the object, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<Image> getDepthImage()

The getDepthImage() method gets the latest available depth image.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the latest available depth image if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Photo> takePhoto()

The takePhoto() method creates a photo instance by importing content from preview color and depth images.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

readonly attribute MediaStream previewStream;

The MediaStream instance passed in constructor.

attribute EventHandler onerror

A property used to set the EventHandler (described in [[!HTML]]) for the ErrorEvent that is dispatched to PhotoCapture when an error happens in preview.

attribute EventHandler ondepthquality

A property used to set the EventHandler (described in [[!HTML]]) for the DepthQualityEvent that is dispatched to PhotoCapture after checking the quality of the depth map.

DepthQualityEvent interface

readonly attribute DepthMapQuality quality

The depth map quality.


The PhotoUtils interface provides a set of utility methods to manipulate a depth photo instance.

static Promise<Photo> colorResize(Photo photo, unsigned long width)

The colorResize() method resizes the color image of the photo instance. The resized image maintains the same aspect ratio as the original image. Thus only the target image width is specified at the method input.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with a color-resized photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.
unsigned long width
The width of the target color image width, in pixels.
static Promise<Photo> commonFOV(Photo photo)

The commonFOV() method creates a new photo instance that matches the field of view of the color and depth images in the input photo instance. Both the color and depth images are cropped and camera meta data re-calculated.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the new photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.
static Promise<Photo> depthResize(Photo photo, unsigned long width, optional DepthFillQuality quality)

The depthResize() method resizes the photo's depth map to the specified size, which must have the same aspect ratio as the original color image (thus only the width value is specified).

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the depth map-resized photo image instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.
unsigned long width
The width of the target depth map size.
optional DepthFillQuality quality
The optional depth filling quality indicator. See the DepthFillQuality enumerator for definition. By default, the depth filling quality is high.
static Promise<Photo> enhanceDepth(Photo photo, DepthFillQuality quality)

The enhanceDepth() method enhances the depth map image quality by filling holes and performing denoising operations.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the depth enhanced photo image instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.
DepthFillQuality quality
The depth filling quality indicator. See the DepthFillQuality enumerator for definition.
static Promise<DepthMapQuality> getDepthQuality(Photo photo)

The getDepthQuality() method checks the depth map quality.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the depth map quality as defined in the DepthMapQuality enumerator if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo image instance.
static Promise<Photo> photoCrop(Photo photo, Rect rect)

The photoCrop() crops the photo instance. The depth map and camera meta data are updated accordingly.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the cropped photo image instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo image instance.
Rect rect
The cropping rectangle in pixels. The rectangle is specified in term of the color image resolution.
static Promise<Photo> photoRotate(Photo photo, double rotation)

The photoRotate() performs 2D rotation of the photo instance and creates the rotated photo instance. The rotation is around the center of the color image clock wise. The depth map and camera meta data are updated.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the rotated photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo image instance.
double rotation
The clock-wise rotation degree from 0 to 360.


The Segmentation interface provides methods to perform depth-based object segmentation and refinement.

If failed to create, an InitFailureException will be thrown.

Promise<Image> objectSegment(Photo photo, Image boundingMask)

The objectSegment() generates an initial mask for any object selected by the bounding mask. The mask can then be refined by hints in the refineMask() method. The mask image is in Y8 pixel format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the mask image instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The input color and depth photo.
Image boundingMask
The bounding mask. The foreground pixels should have a value of 255 and the background pixels should have 0. The mask image is in Y8 pixel format.
Promise<Image> redo()

The redo() method reapplies the last undo hints and generates the mask image. The mask image is in Y8 pixel format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the mask image instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Promise<Image> refineMask(sequence<Point> points, boolean foreground)

The refineMask() method refines the image mask generated by the objectSegment() method with the specified hint points that indicate foreground or background pixels. The mask image is in Y8 pixel format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the refined mask image instance if there are no errors. The returned image mask uses pixel value 255 for detected pixels and 0 for undetected pixels. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

sequence<Point> points
The array that contains the hint point coordinates.
boolean foreground
True if the hints refer to the foreground pixels. A value of false refers to the background pixels.
Promise<Image> undo()

The undo() method undoes the last hints and generates the mask image. The mask image is in Y8 pixel format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the mask image instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.


The XDMUtils provides methods for [[!XDM]] content in Blob instance (described in [[!FILEAPI]]).

static Promise<boolean> isXDM(Blob blob)

The isXDM() method performs a quick check of the specified blob data.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with true if the blob data is in [[!XDM]] format. Otherwise, the promise will be fulfilled with false. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Blob blob
The blob data.
static Promise<Photo> loadXDM(Blob blob)

The loadXDM() method reads the photo content from the specified blob data in [[!XDM]] format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the photo instance if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Blob blob
The blob data of [[!XDM]] format.
static Promise<Blob> saveXDM(Photo photo)

The saveXDM() method writes the photo content to the specified blob data in [[!XDM]] format.

This method returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with the blob data if there are no errors. The promise will be rejected with the DOMException object if there is a failure.

Photo photo
The photo instance.



TransitionVector transition

The translation vector.

RotationQuaternion rotation

The rotation quaternion.


unsigned long? width

The specified image width in pixels.

unsigned long? height

The specified image height in pixels.

double? frameRate

The specified framerate.


float frontObjectDepth

The hint of the foreground object depth value.

float backObjectDepth

The hint of the background object depth value.

float nearFallOffDepth

The cut-off depth value for near end. Any object with the depth value smaller than the value is ignored in the processing.

float farFallOffDepth

The cut-off depth value for far end. Any object with the depth value bigger than the value is ignored in the processing.


float distance

The distance of two points in mm.

float confidence

The confidence value from 0 (no confidence) to 1 (high confidence), NaN if not available.

float precision

The precision in mm, Nan if not available.

WorldPoint startPoint

The starting point of the measurement.

WorldPoint endPoint

The end point of the measurement.


float horizontal

Positive values indicate moving to the right.

float vertical

Positive values indicate moving up.

float distance

Positive values indicate moving forward.


boolean matchIllumination

If true, match the illumination of the background picture. By default this option is true.

float transparency

Specify the transparency of the pasting operation. The value ranges from 0 (opaque, default) to 1.0f (complete transparent).

float embossHighFreqPass

Specify the emboss effect high pass filter parameter. The value ranges from 0 (no emboss, default) to 1.0f (max emboss effect.)

boolean shadingCorrection

If true, correct the pixel illumination taking account the background picture shading. By default, this option is false.

boolean colorCorrection

If true, add color correction. By default, this option is false.


DOMString model

The string that contains the camera name.

Point focalLength

The focal length of the lens along the x/y-axis, normalized by the maximum dimension of the sensor.

Point principalPoint

The position indicating where the camera optical axis crosses the image plane center of the camera along the x/y-axis, normalized by the sensor resolution.

float skew

The skew of the image camera in degrees.

RadialDistortion radialDistortion

The radial distortion coefficients of the lens distortion.

TangentialDistortion tangentialDistortion

The tangential distortion coefficients of the lens distortion.


double x

The x coordinate of the point.

double y

The y coordinate of the point.


CaptureConfiguration? color
CaptureConfiguration? depth


float k1

The radial distortion coefficients k1.

float k2

The radial distortion coefficients k2.

float k3

The radial distortion coefficients k3.


unsigned long x

The horizontal coordinate of the top left pixel of the rectangle.

unsigned long y

The vertical coordinate of the top left pixel of the rectangle.

unsigned long w

The rectangle width in pixels.

unsigned long h

The rectangle height in pixels.


float pitch

A positive pitch value indicates that rotates with X axis.

float yaw

A positive yaw value indicates that rotates with Y axis.

float roll

A positive roll value indicates that clockwise rotates.


float rotationAngle
The rotation angle around the axis.
float rotationAxisX
The x component of the rotation vector in the angle axis representation.
float rotationAxisY
The y component of the rotation vector in the angle axis representation.
float rotationAxisZ
The z component of the rotation vector in the angle axis representation.


unsigned long width

The rectangle width in pixels.

unsigned long height

The rectangle height in pixels.


float height

The height of the sticker image in pixels.

float rotation

Specify the image rotation, in degree. A positive value rotates the image clock-wise.

boolean isCenter

If true, the anchor of the sticker image is in the center of the image. If false, the anchor of the image is at the top left.


float p1

The tangential distortion coefficients p1.

float p2

The tangential distortion coefficients p2.


float x
The x component of the transition vector.
float y
The y component of the transition vector.
float z
The z component of the transition vector.


DOMString model

The string that contains the camera or device name.

DOMString manufacturer

The manufacturer name.

DOMString notes

Special notes about the device or camera device.


double x

The x coordinate of the point.

double y

The y coordinate of the point.

double z

The z coordinate of the point.

float confidence

The confidence value from 0 (no confidence) to 1 (high confidence), NaN if not available.

float precision

The precision in mm, Nan if not available.


DepthFillQuality enum


Use the high quality depth filling algorithm for the case of offline photo processing.


Use the low quality depth filling algorithm for the case of real time live streaming.

DepthMapQuality enum


The depth map quality is poor.


The depth map quality is reasonably good for depth enabled photography functions but may lead to wrong results.


The depth map quality is good.

PixelFormat enum


The 32-bit RGBA32 color format. When format of an Image instance is set to rgba32, the data of that image instance must follow the bytes layout of Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer defined in [[!CANVAS-2D]].


The depth map data in 16-bit unsigned integer. The values indicate the distance from an object to the camera's XY plane or the Cartesian depth.The value precision is in millimeters.


The depth map data in 32-bit floating point. The value precision is in millimeters.


The 8-bit gray format.




Taking a Depth Photo

          var photoCapture;

          navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}).then(gotMedia, failedToGetMedia);

          function gotMedia(stream) {
            // Wire the media stream into a <video> element for preview.
            var previewVideo = document.querySelector('#previewVideo');
            previewVideo.srcObject = stream;

            // Construct a photo capture from the stream.
            photoCapture = new realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.PhotoCapture(stream);
            photoCapture.onerror = function(e) {
              console.log('Photo capture failure: ' +;
            photoCapture.ondepthquality = function(e) {
              console.log('Depth quality: ' +;

          var takePhotoButton = document.querySelector('#takePhoto');
          takePhotoButton.onclick = function () {
            photoCapture.takePhoto().then(gotPhoto, failedToGetPhoto);

          function gotPhoto(photo) {
            // Got a photo instance.
            console.log('Got a photo');

Load a Depth Photo from File System

          // Access an <input> element with type='file' by using getElementById()
          var loadPhoto = document.getElementById('loadPhoto');
          var XDMUtils = realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.XDMUtils;
          loadPhoto.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
          var file = loadPhoto.files[0];
              function(success) {
                if (success) {
                      function(photo) {
                        // Got a photo instance
                        console.log('Got a photo');
                      function(e) { console.log(e.message); });
                } else {
                  console.log ('This is not a XDM file. Load failed.');
             function(e) { console.log(e.message); });

Load a Depth Photo from Network

          var url= 'http://path/to/depth/photo/test.jpg';
          var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
"GET", url, true);
          xhr.responseType = 'blob';
          xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
              var blob = xhr.response;
                  function(success) {
                    if (success) {
                          function(photo) {
                            // Got a photo instance
                            console.log('Got a photo');
                          function(e) { console.log(e.message); });
                    } else {
                      console.log('This is not a XDM file. Load failed.');
                  function(e) { console.log(e.message); });

Refocus a Depth Photo

          var refocus;
          try {
            refocus = new realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.DepthRefocus();
          } catch (e) {

          // photo is the instance of DepthPhoto
          // which can be got from the camera [Example 1] or loaded from somewhere [Example 2 or 3]
              function() {
                // [x, y] is the focusing point that you set.
                // Here, the optional parameter aperture is omitted. The default is 50.0
                refocus.apply({ x: x, y: y }).then(
                    function(refocusedPhoto) {
                      // Got the refocused photo
                      console.log('Got the refocused photo');
                    function(e) { console.log(e.message); });
              function(e) { console.log(e.message); });

Access Photo Information

            // photo is the instance of DepthPhoto
            // which can be got from the camera [Example 1] or loaded from somewhere [Example 2 or 3]

                function(colorImage) {
                  // The colorImage object follows the Image data structure, which could possibly
                  // looks like this:
                  // colorImage = { format: 'RGBA32',
                  //                width: imageWidth,
                  //                height: imageHeight,
                  //                data: imageDataArrayBuffer
                  //              };
                  // The imageDataArrayBuffer is an ArrayBuffer with type of Uint32Array, and the byte
                  // layout follows the Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer defined in [CANVAS-2D].
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(signature) {
                  console.log("signature: " + signature);
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(number) {
                  console.log("number of camera: " + number);
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(vendorInfo) {
                  console.log('model: ' + venterInfo.model + ', manufacturer: ' + venterInfo.manufacturer +
                      ', notes: ' + venterInfo.notes);
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(vendorInfo) {
                  console.log('model: ' + venterInfo.model + ', manufacturer: ' + venterInfo.manufacturer +
                      ', notes: ' + venterInfo.notes);
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(perspectiveModel) {
                  console.log('model: ' + perspectiveModel.model +
                      ', focalLength: (' + perspectiveModel.focalLength.x + ', ' +
                                           perspectiveModel.focalLength.y + ')' +
                      ', principalPoint: (' + perspectiveModel.principalPoint.x + ', ' +
                                              perspectiveModel.principalPoint.y + ')' +
                      ', skew: ' + perspectiveModel.skew +
                      ', radialDistortion: [' + perspectiveModel.radialDistortion.k1 + ', ' +
                                                perspectiveModel.radialDistortion.k2 + ', ' +
                                                perspectiveModel.radialDistortion.k3 + ']' +
                      ', tangentialDistortion: [' + perspectiveModel.tangentialDistortion.p1 + ', ' +
                                                    perspectiveModel.tangentialDistortion.p2 + ']');
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(pose) {
                  console.log('transition: (' + pose.transition.x + ', ' +
                                                pose.transition.y + ', ' +
                                                pose.transition.z + ')' +
                      ', rotation: (' + pose.rotation.rotationAngle + ', ' +
                                        pose.rotation.rotationAxisX + ', ' +
                                        pose.rotation.rotationAxisY + ', ' +
                                        pose.rotation.rotationAxisZ + ')');
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(colorImage) {
                  // Render the color image.
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(depthImage) {
                  // The depthImage object follows the Image data structure, which could possibly
                  // looks like this:
                  // depthImage = { format: 'DEPTH' / 'DEPTH_F32',
                  //                width: imageWidth,
                  //                height: imageHeight,
                  //                data: imageDataArrayBuffer
                  //              };
                  // The imageDataArrayBuffer is an ArrayBuffer with type of Uint16Array(for DEPTH)
                  // or Float32Array(for DEPTH_F32), and the value indicates the distance from an object
                  // to the camera's XY plane or the Cartesian depth. The value precision is millimeters.
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function(rawDepthImage) {
                  // Render the raw depth image.
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

                function() {
                  // Cleanup work after reset.
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

Use PhotoUtils

          // photo is the instance of DepthPhoto
          // which can be got from the camera [Example 1] or loaded from somewhere [Example 2 or 3]

          var photoUtils = realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.PhotoUtils;

          function colorResize() {
            // Resize photo's color image to 1280px width.
            photoUtils.colorResize(photo, 1280).then(
                function(resizedPhoto) {
                      function(image) {
                        // Render your resized image.
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function commonEOV() {
                function(processedPhoto) {
                      function(image) {
                        // Render your commonFOV processed photo.
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function depthEnhance() {
            var before = new Date().getTime();
            photoUtils.enhanceDepth(photo, 'high').then(
                function(enhancedPhoto) {
                  var after = new Date().getTime();
                  var diff = after - before;
                      function(image) {
                        // Render the depth enhanced photo image.
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function depthResize() {
            // Resize photo's depth image to 640px width.
            photoUtils.depthResize(photo, 640).then(
                function(resizedPhoto) {
                      function(image) {
                        // Render the resized depth photo image.
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function depthQuality() {
                function(quality) {
                  console.log('Depth qulity = ' + quality);
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function photoCrop() {
            // Use originX, originY, width, height to define the bounding rectangle of the crop area.
            photoUtils.photoCrop(photo, { x: originX, y: originY, w: width, h: height}).then(
                function(croppedPhoto) {
                      function(image) {
                        // Render the cropped photo image.
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function photoRotate() {
            // Rotate photo by 90 degree clockwise.
            photoUtils.photoRotate(photo, 90.0).then(
                function(rotatedPhoto) {
                      function(image) {
                        // Render the rotated photo image.
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

Measure Within a Depth Photo

          // photo is the instance of DepthPhoto
          // which can be got from the camera [Example 1] or loaded from somewhere [Example 2 or 3]

          var measurement;
          try {
            measurement = new realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.Measurement();
          } catch (error) {
          // startX, startY, endX and endY defines the start and end point of the measurement respectively.
          measurement.measureDistance(photo, { x: startX, y: startY }, { x: endX, y: endY }).then(
              function(d) {
                    'Distance between(' + startX + ',' + startY +
                    ') - (' + endX + ',' + endY + ') = ' +
                    parseFloat(d.distance).toFixed(2) + ' millimeters, Confidence = ' +
                    parseFloat(d.confidence).toFixed(2) + ', Precision=' +
                    parseFloat(d.precision).toFixed(2) + 'mm');
              function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

Apply Motion Effect

          var motionEffect;
          try {
            motionEffect = new realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.MotionEffect();
          } catch (error) {
              function() {
              function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          function doMothionEffect() {
            // Set these motion parameters at your convenience. In this demo, we moved
            // the photo 40px to the right and zoomed it out 1.5 times.
            var right = 40.0, up = 0.0, forward = 0.0;
            var yaw = 0.0, pitch = 0.0, roll = 0.0;
            var zoom = 1.5;
            motionEffect.apply({ horizontal: right, vertical: up, distance: forward },
                               { pitch: pitch, yaw: yaw, roll: roll },
                function(image) {
                  // Render the motion effect applied photo image.
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

Photo Segmentation

          var segmentation;
          try {
            segmentation = new realsense.DepthEnabledPhotography.Segmentation();
          } catch (error) {

          var markupImageBuffer = []; // An ArrayBuffer for bounding mask image data
                                      // (photo.width x photo.height), pixel value should be
                                      // 255 for foreground and 0 for background.

          // Cleanup the markupImageBuffer
          var len = photo.with * photo.height;
          for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            markupImageBuffer[i] = 0;

          (function createInitialMask(topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY) {
            var value = 255;
            for (var y = topY; y != bottomY; y += (topY < bottomY) ? 1 : -1) {
              for (var x = topX; x != bottomX; x += (topX < bottomX) ? 1 : -1) {
                // Set the pixel value to 255 within the bounding area of (topX, topY, buttomX, buttomY).
                markupImageBuffer[y * photo.width + x] = value;
          })(10, 10, 100, 100); // Created a mask image with bounding rect of (10, 10, 100, 100).

          var initialMarkupImage = {
            format: 'Y8',
            width: photo.width,
            height: photo.height,
            data: markupImageBuffer

          segmentation.objectSegment(photo, initialMarkupImage).then(
              function(maskImage) {
                // As the segmentation.refineMask() needs to be called after a successful call of
                // segmentation.objectSegment(), here we dispatch an event 'objectSegmentSucceed'
                // to notify a successful calling.
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event('objectSegmentSucceed'));
                    function(colorImage) {
                      // Blend and render the colorImage and maskImage.
                    function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
              function(error) { console.log(error.message); });

          window.addEventListener('objectSegmentSucceed', function(event) {
            // The maskArea is always generated by user action (e.g. a serie of mouse click), you
            // could use a event listener to capture the mouse click on your canvas.
            var maskArea = [{x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 10, y: 10}, ...];

            var isForeground = true; // Indicate if the refinement take place in forground or background.
            segmentation.refineMask(maskArea, isForeground).then(
                function(maskImage) {
                      function(colorImage) {
                        // Blend and render the colorImage and maskImage;
                      function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
                function(error) { console.log(error.message); });
          }, false);
